Photo of Mihay Bodo Spain

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Miháy Bodó (b. 1957) study in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona. Its formation is related pictorial Taller Torres García (TTG). His teacher was Bruno Fonseca. Bodó Miháy work, from his earliest paintings on, presents a unified search: expressiveness, construction, full knowledge of the profession, a comprehensive training in drawing and plasticity, metaphysical content and the complex use of color and materials. His...

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Photo of Mihay Bodo Spain

Miháy Bodó (b. 1957) study in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona. Its formation is related pictorial Taller Torres García (TTG). His teacher was Bruno Fonseca. Bodó Miháy work, from his earliest paintings on, presents a unified search: expressiveness, construction, full knowledge of the profession, a comprehensive training in drawing and plasticity, metaphysical content and the complex use of color and materials. His previous studies in engineering and philosophy probably influence the rational structure of his paintings, but behind the image burning original talent temperament. Each table is a framework for analysis and synthesis of painting. The above does not contradict the fact that, according Bodó "a work in itself is irrelevant, what matters Renaissance is the daily operation of the workshop, the vitality of the workshop because it relates the mystery of personal life with other human thinkers, living or dead, "(I. Tompa). Education: Bachelor of Philosophy (Budapest). Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Budapest) Studies sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona. Solo Exhibitions: 1996 Gallery Can Norat, Girona. 1997 Column Gallery, Barcelona. 1997 Gallery Greca. Barcelona. 1998 Galerie La Belle Hortense, Paris. 1998 Gallery Llucià Homs, Barcelona. 1999 Gallery Screen. Elisaldo Casa Barcelona 2000. Home Gallery Barcelona 2001. Budapest 2002 Gallery Fészek. Budapest 2004 Sala Parés. Barcelona 2005 Galeria Nova3, Sabadell, 2007 Room Parés

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